bounce back for classrooms
Information about implementing “Bounce Back for Classrooms,” the NNCTC’s classroom-based, trauma-informed, social/emotional curriculum for elementary-age students. The curriculum was adapted from “Bounce Back,” a clinical group intervention developed by Audra Langley and Lisa Jaycox.
Students, trauma, and resiliency (STAR)
Information about implementing “STAR,” the NNCTC’s classroom-based, trauma-informed, social/emotional curriculum for middle and high school students. The curriculum is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy components.
trauma exposure among American indians and alaska natives
Regularly updated review of studies measuring trauma prevalence in AI/AN populations. Includes information about nationally representative studies, multi-tribe studies, and single-tribe studies.
Developed by the NNCTC for the Capacity Building Center for Tribes, these tip sheets offer culturally relevant, trauma-informed strategies for approaching youth transitions, family visitation, and documentation.
fact sheet: the NCTSN’s Trauma-informed juvenile court self-assessment
This fact sheet provides an overview of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s Trauma-Informed Juvenile Court Self-Assessment.
podcast: what’s culture got to do with it?
NNCTC Director Maegan Rides At The Door joins the One in Ten podcast, produced by the National Children’s Alliance, to discuss the importance of approaching child welfare and child advocacy services from a cultural perspective.